Please carefully read the following information.

You should find everything you need to know but if you have any other questions then our instructors will be there to help.

Bookings are required for all classes, we are unable to accept “walk-ins” at this time.

Clothing & Accessories

  • Classes are taken either barefoot or with “grip” socks.
  • Tight fitting clothes are preferred in order to check body alignment and not get tangled while performing different sequences.
  • It is recommended that women wear a bra and men wear supportive underwear.  We also recommend tucking in T-shirts.
  • Clothing that covers legs, waist and armpits is recommended to minimize friction burns from the hammocks.
  • Some synthetic fabrics are very slippery.  Cotton blends are preferred.
  • We advise wearing leggings and not tights.
  • NO jewellery.
  • Clothing should have NO zips, buttons, buckles or any decoration that may snag, rip or damage the hammocks.
  • Mobile telephones and/or any sound emitting devices should be closed for the duration of the class.

Hygiene & Hydration

  • We encourage participants to have a bottle of water and a sweat towel for classes.  A yoga mat may be used if you wish.  These items can not be supplied by the studio at this time, please bring your own.
  • It is best to visit the toilet before a class and not to have a full stomach.
  • Clean feet are a necessity.
  • Please come to class clean, shower before if you need to.
  • Please DO NOT wear makeup.
  • Please DO NOT use perfume, strong deodorant, body lotions or oils.  To show respect for others in the class and also the hammock.
  • Long hair should be tied back/up.
  • Very long nails may impair your grip of the hammock and therefore your safety, they may also rip or damage the hammocks.  Please be thoughtful.

Health Considerations

Should you have any of the following, please be mindful and please consult your Doctor or Medical professional before attending class.

  • Pregnancy

  • Glaucoma

  • Recent Surgery (esp. shoulder, hip, eyes, back, hands or wrist)

  • Heart Disease

  • Very High or Low Blood Pressure

  • Easy onset Vertigo

  • Osteoporosis / Bone Weakness

  • Recent Head Injury

  • Cerebral Sclerosis

  • Propensity for Fainting

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Severe Arthritis

  • Sinusitis or Head Cold

  • Hiatal Hernia

  • Disc Herniation

  • Recent Stroke

  • Artificial Joints

  • Radiculitis (inflammation of nerve root in spine)

  • Severe muscle spasms

  • Botox (within 6 hours)