
Classes are run by certified AntiGravity® instructors.

Classes run daily in English and Español.  Max. of 5 people, running for approx. 45-60 mins.

We guarantee that our hammocks are fresh and clean for each student.

Bookings are required for classes, at this time we are unable to accept “walk-ins”.

AntiGravity® FUNdamental Beginners

All Clients new to AntiGravity® Fitness are required to complete our AntiGravity® FUNdamental Beginners class first.

This class will teach you the important safety principles of AntiGravity® techniques and how to safely get in and out of your hammock.  You will also learn the power, excitement and pure joy of moving freely in all directions of open space and how to move into our Decompression Inversions.

This is also the best time to ask any questions or talk about any doubts you may have.

“Suspend your disbelief and enjoy the flight!!”

Antigravity 5

AntiGravity® FUNdamentals

Discover the power, decompression benefits, and pure joy of the Harrison Hammock with this sampling of inversions and movements.

FUNdamentals is the perfect class in which to learn or to brush up on the foundations of AntiGravity®. Detailed cues are given throughout class, progressions are always optional, and instructor spotting is used when necessary. Students will explore space, stretch, swing, flip, invert and most importantly – have FUN!

AntiGravity® Aerial Yoga

Experience the evolution of asana into 3-dimensional space with this fusion of yoga and aerial arts.

Utilizing many of the terms and postures that may be familiar to practicing yogis, the Harrison Hammock will further assist with mobility, flexibility, strength, focus, and balance. AntiGravity® zero-compression inversions will also aid in spinal release and kinesthetic awareness.

AntiGravity® AIRBarre

This fusion of aerial arts and barre class will challenge the body and mind beyond the vertical plane while toning & lengthening muscles, and developing balance & agility.

Using your own body weight, you’ll focus on strengthening the lower body.  Adding core, arms & decompression creates a balanced & fun session.

Whether you are a fitness enthusiast eager to try to new forms, a dancer who wants to explore the air, or an aerialist who wants to work on lovely lines, AntiGravity® AIRbarre will get you up and flying!

AntiGravity® Cocooning

Whether as a post-workout recovery or as a well-deserved break from the grind, feel revived and energized after this slow moving stretch and levitating meditation.

The benefits of a power nap or siesta have been well researched and proven. After a therapeutic stretch and decompressing inversion, enjoy approximately 15 minutes of pure relaxation in your AntiGravity® cocoon. Sleep, meditate or just focus on doing nothing and emerge rejuvenated and revived for the rest of your day or week!

Please read our INFO page

Safety is very important to us at FLY ZONE, please be sure to check out our INFO page for details about HEALTH, HYGIENE and CLOTHING.